• Blaumeise

Spring time

More and more birds come to the water pool. Aside from different warblers you can see stonechats and other surprising guests.

Photography at eye level

A shallow water pool attracts many birds magically - an ideal place for photography. Thus I built a hide with a somewhat bigger bird bath on fallow land close to the city of Mainz. On good days you can watch up to 20 different species, including rarities like stonechat, red-backed shrike or wryneck.

But of course also common species are good photo subjects, especially if they come very close at eye level.

>> But see it for yourself.

A shallow water pool attracts many birds magically - an ideal place for photography. Thus I built a hide with a somewhat bigger bird bath on fallow land close to the city of Mainz. On good days you can watch up to 20 different species, including rarities like stonechat, red-backed shrike or wryneck.

But of course also common species are good photo subjects, especially if they come very close at eye level.

>> But see it for yourself.